*Special* Free anti bacterial treatment with every regas* Mobile Aircon Services. Auckland to Hibiscus Coast.

  Arctic Autos is a MOBILE service with 25yrs experience covering all of Auckland and HBC. Certified Technician will regas and repair all make and models of vehicle onsite.  

All work is Guaranteed.
Freecall 0800 957 299
I think my car has a leak in the Air Conditioning system as it doesn't blow cold air anymore. How can we find it and what are my options?

There are several options for leak detection, but each car is different so it will need to be assessed on a case by case basis upon inspection. Pressure testing can be a good option to find serious leaks, damage or component failure. Although, re-gassing with a UV dye maybe another option to show the leak in time.
My air conditioning smells, why is that? Is it harmful & how is it fixed?

The odour comes from the bacteria that grow in many different parts of a car's Air Conditioning and ventilation systems. In some more severe cases, the bacteria can make you unwell. This can be treated with cleaning agents used to kill the bacteria, then deodorising the system which will leave it smelling fresh.

Opened Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 1pm. Sunday Closed
phone   021 957 299
email   chris@arcticautos.co.nz
web   www.arcticautos.co.nz